[Prophecy] The Trap of Self-Acceptance and the Lack of Repentance

In Jesus’ name, I prophesy breakthrough over those who are stuck in “self-acceptance”! The enemy is trying to get you stuck in endless warfare regarding your identity; but I prophesy clarity in Jesus’ name! Be freed from deception as you believe in the finished work of Christ!

The Bible says that CHRIST accepted us to the glory of God (Romans 15:7), not that we should “accept ourselves as we are”. You cannot leave Christ out and make it all about yourself, or use His name in vain, saying that “Christ” told you it is OK because He “made you that way”. I am talking about real sin here, leaving people stuck in a false identity they have received for themselves! Everyone who denies their sin calls God a liar (1. John 1:10). They be made a liar! YOU be made a liar if this prophecy applies to you. Take it as a warning, a wake-up call. Test it for yourself, and you will know by God’s grace if you have been stuck in it for years. God makes everything work together for our good and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins when we confess our sins to Him. Be swift to repent when He opens your eyes because He loves you and He accepts you because you believed in the Son of God!

I understand it was hard. It was hard to bear. Unbelief creeped in, you stopped going deeper. Do not be afraid but only believe! It is by the blood of Jesus ONLY that we enter into the Holy of Holies! Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Only believe and you shall be freed from captivity! It is by the finished work of the cross that we are made righteous and are justified before our God!

There is a place for all your mistakes on the cross, there is a place of acceptance in the arms of the Father through the blood of Jesus. Go deeper with Him! Be unstuck in Jesus’ name! Those who get real with God and let the Holy Spirit truly examine their hearts shall see light! They shall see light, hallelujah!

In Jesus’ name.

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