• [New Series] Peace – The Sound of Tekoa

    (Part 1: https://bluemountainministry.international/2023/09/12/new-series-peace-introduction/Part 2: https://bluemountainministry.international/2023/09/13/new-series-peace-the-beginning/) Welcome to Part 3, everyone! I noticed this morning that it is Yom Teruah, the feast of the trumpets, from last sunset (September 14, 2023) to today’s sunset (September 15, 2023). I looked up the bible passage which talks about this festival (Leviticus 23:23-25): Then…

  • And Some Of Those Shall Fall

    Hi everyone, how was your Holy Week? I was already sick when I did the deliverance night on Thursday, and it got worse the day after. I have been recovering since. A family member told me on Saturday what an honor it was that I was suffering physically like Jesus…

  • The Big Fish and the Doctors

    Hi everyone! If you read my previous post, you will remember how God is pouring out a spirit of pleas for mercy to lead people into repentance; persecution keeps growing but God is also guarding over us intensely in this important season and many will experience a sudden blast in…

  • The Faithful Gather

    It has been a while, brothers and sisters! Astonishing and horrible things have happened all around the world this past month. As someone living in a country that actively welcomes refugees from the Ukraine, everything that is happening on the east side of the continent feels much more real to…